Introducing David Epstein

Hi Boomerang Fans!
My name is David Epstein and I’ve been doing Workday for over 14 years, since Sept 2006 when I joined Workday as employee #149 as the 2nd “Integration Consultant” (there are now thousands of Workday Integration Consultants world-wide.)

After a few years of working with many of the initial 100 Workday customers, I switched internally to the Workday Education team where I owned the Report Writer and Calculated Fields training as well as all the technical integration training.  I both wrote and taught these courses to Workday customers and partner consultants.  Since leaving Workday, I have spent the past eight years helping Workday customers such as LinkedIn, Google, Uber, Dropbox, Vassar College, AAA, and many others.  In all cases, boomerang integrations have helped solved problems and replace manual tasks.

But, the seeds for the boomerang team were initially planted back in March of 2019, when we had the first Boomerang Share-a-thon and also the first airing of “The Sharing Show”!  During that show, Boomerang Team member Michael Domingo shared a classic example you could use to explain boomerangs to your co-workers.  The example is for Workday Recruiting customers, but even if you are not yet using Workday Recruiting it’s a great example because it’s easy to understand.

Sometimes people use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for their name on their resume.  If you scan their resume, their name would appear as a Candidate object in Workday with all caps, such as LOGAN MCNEIL.  This maybe isn’t a problem until you opt to hire this candidate and end up with a Worker object in Workday whose name appears in all caps.  This example of pulling data out of Workday, making some sort of changes, and then pushing this data back into Workday focuses only on the name.  Pull out LOGAN MCNEIL, go through code that Michael shared on the show, and push back in Logan’s name, in “proper case” as Logan McNeil.

I’m happy to be a boomerang team member and am looking forward to working with both non-technical and technical Workday customers on how boomerangs can make your workdays easier 🙂
David Epstein, The Sharing Guy
p.s. Here is a link to the video of Michael’s boomerang sharing during the first show: